How to Improve a Circular Secondary Clarifier

How to Improve a Circular Secondary Clarifier

Circular clarifiers are used extensively in the wastewater and water treatment industries, as well as in mining, reverse osmosis, paper and pulp mills, and other industries to remove suspended particles from liquids. in this blog, we discuss how to improve a circular secondary clarifier and its goal.

Clarifiers are used during the sedimentation process.

The removal of suspended particles from a liquid is known as sedimentation. When sedimentation is merely the result of gravity, sedimentation basins or settling tanks are used. Clarifiers are tools or machinery that carry out the sedimentation process mechanically.

How to Improve a Circular Secondary Clarifier?

Hydraulic energy loss is not taken into account by conventional secondary clarifiers. They are either excessively large or frequently ineffective at separating solids from liquids.

The design of today’s clarifiers is significantly dissimilar from that of the earlier circular clarifiers as a result of recent technical breakthroughs. It is a high-rate secondary clarifier that effectively dissipates hydraulic energy while providing natural flocculation through solids contact and sludge recirculation. A specially designed suction mechanism removes settled sludge, resulting in excellent effluent quality and helping to achieve treated effluent quality that satisfies discharge regulations.

The goal of the Circular Secondary Clarifier

When there is very little difference between the solid and liquid densities in wastewaters containing biological solids (MLSS), the modified circular secondary clarifier can provide successful separation.

New circular secondary clarifiers are created to address the drawbacks of conventional clarifiers.

In the new clarifier, natural flocculation takes place as a result of hydraulic energy loss and the creation of a sludge plume.

The stability of the plume, which is dictated by the velocity gradient, determines how well the clarifier works. It is discovered that a velocity gradient of 10 to 15 s is beneficial for spontaneous flocculation. At this speed, the plume increase is also kept well below the free surface. The plume’s increased mean particle size of mixed liquid suspended solids—which signifies particle agglomeration and verifies that natural flocculation is taking place—rose from 41 to 83 microns.

By improved intake design, hydraulic energy is lost, flow is uniformly distributed, sludge blanket disturbances are reduced, and flocculation is encouraged. The improved clarifier has an hour-long hydraulic retention time.

Characteristics of Circular Secondary Clarifier

  1. Hydraulic energy dissipation and velocity gradient optimization are key to ensuring natural flocculation.
  2. Geometry: Offering a better bottom and intake design to maximize the handling of solids.
  3. Sludge Removal Mechanism: To remove the settled sludge, a more effective suction mechanism is being designed. enables liquid separation and facilitates sludge removal.

Advantages of Circular secondary clarifiers

  1. Enhanced solids-liquid separation ensures that the treated effluent contains the fewest suspended solids possible (SS).
  2. When underflow solids are concentrated, the pumping rate is lowered but the amount of active biomass in the aeration tank is kept at its ideal level.
  3. It can save capital costs since it operates at a short hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1.5 to 2.0 hours and requires less surface area.
  4. It reduces capital and operating costs by doing away with the necessity for a separate sump cum pump house for the recycling and removal of sludge.
  5. It lowers capital and ongoing costs by providing natural flocculation and removing the requirement for a separate flocculation plant.
  6. For the Final Draft, testing utilizing computational fluid dynamics is used to confirm the design.

What do we offer?

Manufacturer of commercial and industrial water and wastewater treatment plants, Netsol Water is situated in Greater Noida, India. We offer knowledgeable treatment options to meet all of your needs. Our treatment facilities use the most recent technology and premium raw materials in accordance with industry standards. Leading manufacturer of water and wastewater treatment plants, Netsol Water is situated in Greater Noida. Based on customer feedback and the caliber of our work, we are the industry’s most demanding organization. We are regarded as the top producers of industrial RO plants, commercial RO plants, sewage treatment plants, water softening plants, and effluent treatment plants. Our USP, aside from this, is our 24-hour customer service.

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